TANYA POOLE: The Night Guide
Sep 7 – Sep 24, 2022
Everard Read Cape Town is pleased to present: A Night Guide, a solo exhibition of new works by Tanya Poole.
Artist statement:
Walking through the forest, by the river, in the night.
I want to know everything about this forest and this river. How old are you? How long are you, how tall? Are you as tall as your highest tree or as tall as the height that your highest-flying bird flies? How deep are you? Are you as deep as your root network or are you as profound as your rocks and strata underneath? Do you start at a spring or do you well up from deep underground? Are you the sum of all of your parts or are you more? How far is your past and how long is your future?
Are your insect pollinators like knowledge creators, spreading the pollen for new growth? My eyes like the way your moths follow the glow of the luminous night time blooms, the way they navigate through the dense interlocking tangles of the forest floor, under the light of the moon and the stars. Is the moon a night guide for a moth who carries all her richness in the dark? Could I see like a moth? How would she see? Can I imagine past the boundaries of my own skin and my own senses? I would like to be the quivering, attuned antennae of a soft moth in the darkness. I like to not be separate when I walk through the forest, by the river, in the night.
- Tanya Poole, 2022